

A train on the railway tracks

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Anything in this blog is stated as beliefs and opinions with the facts as understood at the time of posting. My apologies for a protracted delay between posts but health is causing ongoing problems; in this respect the support from friends in respect of BloodandCustard is being gratefully appreciated.

Where face-to-face contact has occurred, organisations are usually given an opportunity for comment there and then before posting. However, if anyone believes there are factual errors contained within this blog, please contact us explaining why a factual error may be present so a correction can be considered if needed.

Finally, my apologies for the occasional gap in these posts. With a deteriorating in health, I am reliant on the assistance of friends to maintain this site and during the pandemic BloodandCustard’s priorities had to rest elsewhere.





No Response from Moor View Models

1st March 2025

Waltons of Altrincham Closure

16th February 2025

Apparent Differences in Pricing.

15th January 2025

Ableist account verification?

30th November 2024

Youtube’s decline?

30th October 2024

Poor quality of BBC journalism

6th September 2024

Not already – Christmas advertising - Groan!

5th September 2024

£30 Non-refundable Deposit

20th August 2024

Wasted time on YouTube

4th June 2024

An inability to Listen or Read Correspondence

30th May 2024

Cyclical Surging with Model EMUs

16th April 2024

Strange Behaviour on YouTube

8th March 2024

Failing Standards at Exhibitions

18th February 2024

Demise of Hattons

8th January 2024

DHL’s race to the bottom

4th December 2023

Armistice Day & Remembrance Sunday

11th November 2023

Rapido SECR /SR ‘O1’ Class

10th November 2023

Model Prices comparison website

15th October 2023

Southern Pride ownership

10th October 2023

EFE ex.LSWR 4 LAV set

5th September 2023

Silverhill Models (St Leonards on Sea)
Another model shop sadly closes.

28th July 2023

Compass Model Railways (Rotherfield)
A model shop gem!

30th June 2023

Arcadia Rail Model Shop (Shaw near Oldham)
Excellent service – thank you!

31st May 2023

No response from Modelmaster Jackson Evans

1st February 2023

Trials & Tribulations of Online Deliveries

30th October 2022

Morris Model (Lancing) closed

1st September 2022

Morris Models closing

20th August 2022

Hornby generates uncertainty

21st February 2022

Model Shop Retirement

28th January 2022

A question of Trust

28th November 2021

Prompt service on the eve of Christmas

23rd December 2021

Alienating the customer

9th November 2021

Hornby Hobbies on television

31st October 2021

A Hobby Moving Forward

20th May 2021

Poor On-line Deliveries

15th December 2020

Failing the modeller;
a scourge in our hobby

8th September 2020

Distressed & Weathered

31st May 2020

Wikipedia - when industry knowledge is insufficient!

2nd April 2020

OO Works to produce LSWR 0330-class Saddle Tank

20th March 2020

How to lose a Customer!

2nd March 2020

Disability Discrimination at Tenterden?

22nd February 2020

Still Getting Short-changed by Exhibitions?

15th February 2020

No Postcode? No Sale!

30th January 2020

Disappointing start to 2020

12th January 2020

How to lose a new customer at the outset!

18th December 2019

Are Model Railway magazines losing touch?

13th December 2019

Commercial risk or out of touch with demand?

24th November 2019

Lack of Openness?

20th November 2019

An Unpalatable and Repugnant Denial

19th October 2019

Discrimination by Model Railway Exhibition

28th September 2019

Society Refusing GDPR Data Erasure

10th September 2019

Getting Short-changed by Exhibitions?

10th August 2019

Woeful Bexhill exhibition attitude towards disability

10th August 2019

Seeking Answers

4th July 2019

Game, Set and (no) Match

21st June 2019

DJ Models Ltd enter Receivership

7th June 2019

Move to ‘https’ with SLL certification

24th May 2919

Vandalism at Market Deeping show

20th May 2019

Copyright Infringement & Plagiarism

5th May 2019

Commentary on East Grinstead Model Railway Exhibition

7th April 2019

Potential Duplication of Models

29th March 2019

Scottish Steam Models

29th March 2019





No Response from Moor View Models

(1st March 2025)


When a friend altered me to a firm producing painted resin locomotives crews (and other figures) I was interested so tried to place an initial order. Expect the payment mechanism appeared to requirement the involvement of PayPal – a huge No-No for me as PayPal had previously displayed ableism and chose to ignore GDPR data requests.

So the company was contacted in respect of an alternative means of payment.

Their deafening silence suggest they don’t want my business.



Waltons of Altrincham Closure

(16th February 2025)


Today it came to BloodandCustard’s attention that after some sixty years Waltons of Altrincham is closing on Saturday, 15th March 2025. It appears the reason is retirement with nobody willing or able to take over the business (a similar fate led to the closure of Morris Models and many other model shops). When attending Manchester for work, Waltons was always on the itinerary – it’ll be a another sad loss to the hobby.



Apparent Differences in Pricing

(15th January 2025)


On the same day Hornby announced its latest models, BloodandCustard received an e-mail from Accurascale in respect of further availability of its excellent Deltic models (first released in 2024) – the Green-liveried DCC-ready D9018 version (along with several BR blue versions) being priced at £169.99 (£40 more than Hornby’s ‘Railroad’ version).

Although not a direct comparison to the Deltic ‘Racehorses’, the latest versions of Hornby’s T9 ex.LSWR ‘Greyhound’ (BR-liveried 30338 & SR-liveried 302) are priced by retailers at £206.99 (RRP £229.99 on Hornby’s website) – a model first released end-2008.

Accurascale are also selling their ‘P’-class models (new releases of the Hatton’s former model) for £99.95 whereas the latest release of Hornby’s A1X ‘Terrier’ (lined BR no.32659) is advertised by Hornby at £164.99. My recollections are the Hatton’s first ‘P’ class models were released in 2018; the Hornby A1X model in 2019.

It seems this snapshot of apparent price differentials has not been missed by modellers.

Excellent coverage of Hornby’s 2025 Southern releases (including the Tavern Car pairs) can be found on Graham Muzpratt’s blog.



Ableist account verification?

(30th November 2024)

Many railway modellers post videos on Youtube. Except one BloodandCustard modeller cannot access Youtube on his browser because Google has decided he is unable to verify his Google account.

Account verification requires a text message to a cellphone (which he does not use) else an automated voicemail to his landline. Except his landline has (for personal protection) an efficient Call Guardian system which screens out all automated calls (it stops all unwanted calls).

One further problem with automated calls is (because of his increasing hearing impairment) he often cannot hear what is being said and these systems do not respond (as a human would) to an immediate and polite "Can you repeat that please?"

His perception is such verification systems are ableist as they take little account of disabilities (while assuming everyone has or can use a smartphone). So Youtube is no longer accessible to him.

With other Youtube issues, perhaps railway modellers will start to migrate to a different Video forum?



Youtube’s decline?

(30th October 2024)

Supporters of BloodandCustard’s modelling pages have reported increasing problems trying to access Youtube because of its seemingly 'aggressive' policy on ad-blockers although are used for disability-related needs.

Whilst keeping clear of discussing the merits (or not) of this policy, the perception it is undermining viewing numbers along with a reduction in content being uploaded by other railway modellers.

It seems some are undertaking a temporary hiatus on preparing further longer videos while only posting ‘video shorts’ which aren’t so badly affected. However, these are limited as to what they can portray.

If anyone can recommend a more-friendly alternative platform for such videos then please do let BloodandCustard know so we can pass it along.



Poor quality of BBC journalism

(6th September 2024)

Recently two news stories were published by the BBC; both badly illustrated. The first used a photograph of trains at Brighton station which more that twenty years old (including out-of-date liveries and now-withdrawn 319 and 4 CIG slam-door stock). However, when drawn to the BBC’s attention they thought this was okay. Really?

The second related to the closure of Ore Tunnel (initially incorrectly labelled as Rye tunnel even though no such tunnel exists) and was illustrated with two 4-car Turbostar units passing through the four-tracked electrified Honor Oak Park station on its way to London Bridge (from Uckfield). However, Hastings to Ashford uses solo 3-car Turbostars on its largely single /double tracked route. Furthermore the photograph is out-of-date as the unit involved is now a 3-car. Once again, when drawn to the BBC’s attention they thought this was okay as it was a ‘Southern’ train (they didn’t even connect both were diesel units).

Recalling a past BBC news story about a derailment at Grange-over-Sands illustrated by wholly a different type of train leaving Morecombe suggests standards of journalism have been falling for some time. The apparent indifference to a poor choice of images when more relevant examples exist would appear to be one symptom of this.



Not already – Christmas advertising - Groan!
(5th September 2024)

It is 5th September 2024 and the autumn equinox isn’t until 22nd September 2024. Halloween, Bonfire Night and Remembrance Day are still a long way off, yet a model railway manufacturer (Oxford) decided to send out an ‘exclusive gifts for Christmas’ e-mail…


Please, we aren’t even ¾ of the way through the year!

As a consequence I have now unsubscribed from their mailing list.



£30 Non-refundable Deposit
(20th August 2024)

Earlier this month Sonic Models announced its model of an LBSCR K-class; a most welcomed announcement indeed. Except the release was exclusive to Rails of Sheffield – presumably because they have the ability to undertake importation and distribution of the model.

This has caused consternation amongst some modellers. Consternation which includes Rails’ requirement of a ‘non-refundable’ £30 deposit. Graham Muzpratt refers to this on his excellent blogpost about the K-class model:

It should be noted that these can only be obtained via Rails of Sheffield and they request a £30 deposit that they state as being “non refundable” assuming you have ordered online then The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 apply and you are entitled to cancel,  up to 14 days from the day you receive your goods, for a FULL refund (including any deposit or whatever a retailer might call it). The retailer terms can not override the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000!

As a clarification it is worth noting that the 2000 regulations were revoked on 13th June 2014, these being superseded by The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.

The return of goods within the 14-day cancellation period remains and Online and other distance or off-premises traders will be able to withhold refunds until goods are returned (or evidence of return is provided) and they can reduce the amount of money refunded for goods returned which show evidence of use beyond the handling necessary to see whether the goods are as expected.

However, the retailer may argue the £30 cancellation charge formed part of the contract and was accepted as part of the contract and that they are entitled to receive an amount sufficient to cover the loss (such as costs already incurred or loss of profit) they’ve suffered that directly results from the customer’s cancellation. In requiring such a charge, the retailer has probably also assessed any potential adverse impact this may have on sales (versus the cost of returns) when so many such models are regularly sold-out on pre-order.

Notwithstanding, given they are the sole-supplier of this previously unseen model that has not been reviewed and is likely to be sold-out on pre-order, this could still be challenged under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977. A Credit Card company might also just simply agree if the purchase was placed in dispute – after such a step it is unlikely either party would wish to trade with each other.

Finally, it must be noted, such a cancellation charge should not be applied where an item (i.e. the model) is faulty, not as described or does not do what it's supposed to.



Wasted Time on YouTube

(4th June 2024)

A former railway colleague sent me an interesting video on YouTube in respect of the preserved 2 HAP in the NRM collection. Given the quality of the video much time was taken in creating a supportive post providing historical details on the 2 HAP unit.

Except after a couple of hours the post did not appear without any reason or explanation. Accordingly (and in the absence of further explanation) BloodandCustard not prepared to expend further significant time responding to YouTube videos other than providing the most basic of comments.

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An Inability to Listen or Read Correspondence

(30th May 2024)

Recently had several communications including with a reputable model railway retailer (in respect of an issue with a purchase) from whence it would be reasonable to assume the recipient failed to read an e-mail (or letter) properly, let alone comprehend or even examine the returned item. However, in this instance (and given the reputation of that retailer) the exchange is being treated as a misunderstanding.

However, in a wider context this was not an isolated incident and is occurring with a number of organisations. Not sure if this is because so many people these days cannot be bothered to read correspondence before assuming they know what is being said or if today’s level of comprehension is in a steady downward decline.

This also happens with monotonous regularity on the telephone where people appear to be too busy trying to think of what to say next so are failing to listen to what is being said to them, let along grasp the reason for the call. Even worse are those who are stuck in ‘transmit’ mode choosing not to listen while repeating their own (often inappropriate) message as if it was going to achieve something. Ultimately if somebody cannot take the trouble to listen then there is no point in trying to speak to them again.

Sadly, I perceive all of this is only going to steadily get worse....

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Cyclical Surging with Model EMUs.

(16th April 2024)

When running in multiple some of the model EMUs are suffering cyclical surging issues. This is covered in detail within the notes in three YouTube ‘Ewhurst Green model railway’ videos as follows:

Technical video 1: https://youtu.be/3RmrSS1MGCI

Technical video 2: https://youtu.be/PLDOGH3dWx4

Technical video 3: https://youtu.be/SBomu280IwE

Following these videos a comparison on the BR(S) EMUs on Ewhurst Green was undertaken in order to ascertain which were affected. With matters such as controllers (including the load thereon), track /track feeds and so forth the conclusion was reached that the causation appears to be different characteristics in the motors used for (say) the original 2010-build of 4 CEP units (etc) and the current 2023-build of 4 BEP and refurbished 4 CEP units.

The term 'characteristics' is used as it may not be quite as simple as motor speed as (according to the helpful staff at Bachmann) these could still be affected by different components in the PCB board. So it looks as though a little more investigation may be needed....

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Strange Behaviour on YouTube

(8th May 2024)

It is (I suppose) inevitable that YouTube will attract strange behaviour from some; behaviour which is beyond the many obscure and off videos that make up the kaleidoscope thereon. Recently a couple of us (retired railwaymen with model railway channels) started receiving inaccurate and ill-informed comments in reply to model railway videos; these videos being intended to promote and assist others in the hobby. Now, it is accepted YouTube is about freedom of expression, but even this has to be reasonable with some semblance of accuracy.

Tactfully helpful and polite responses to the poster’s messages failed, but sadly further inaccurate and ill-informed comments kept coming. So the decision was (regrettably) taken to block this contributor from our respective channels.

Elsewhere, my polite, supportive and complimentary comments in respect of another person’s channel were being removed by that channel for reasons that were never explained. As this is the prerogative of the person running that channel, I quietly stopped subscribing on the basis of my viewing and contributions were not wanted.

Certainly we have both removed inappropriate comments from our respective YouTube channels and neither of us have any concerns lest those individuals no longer wish to contribute….

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Failing Standards at Exhibitions

(18th February 2024)

Across consecutive weekends two exhibitions were once again attended (Tenterden & Tonbridge) leading to the following observations:

The price of entry was reasonable and provided value for money. However, neither exhibition provided adequate and /or reasonably placed seating for those with disabilities. One had enlarged its overly-hot canteen area; the other was devoid of conventional tables and chairs leaving the mobility-impaired struggling. Furthermore the disabled toilet at one exhibition was in a disgusting state with urine on the floor around it’s WC. Of those spoken to, nobody seemed interested in taking it up with the facilities management.

In terms of the layouts being exhibited, the large club layouts seen several years ago are disappearing in favour of smaller layouts. However, this does not mean they should be any the less interesting.

Sadly though, it only takes a couple of obstructive space huggers standing just far enough apart to make difficult for others to view the layout – for example, two space-huggers standing just wide enough apart to take up the space of three persons. Then there were those filming at arm’s length waving their cameras about spoiling the enjoyment of others trying to watch the action.

Speaking with friends at both exhibitions, the ongoing selfishness of these space-huggers and ‘waving arms’ filming is one reason why all (and I mean all) had declared they’d reduced the number of exhibitions they now attend; these activities being a significant reason. All too frequently, I hear the comment ‘I’m not going to bother to come here again’.

Whilst the scenic quality of layouts was reasonable (particularly two different Scottish themed layouts – one at each exhibition) all the 00 trackwork appeared to proprietary (with sleeper sizes closer to H0 standards). More significant, sadly several layouts ran rather strange non-prototypical train formations and combinations with few services operated with little resemblance of realism. Having enjoyed a lifetime career in the railway industry I suspect this is because the knowledge of rail historic operations simply isn’t there anymore.

Furthermore, there was the dither and delay as protracted behind-the-scenes discussions took place as to what to run next along with the ‘statically operated’ layouts where the train operator engrossed in conversation, oblivious to the paying public wanting to see something actually move. Finally at least one layout was starting to remove and pack away stock mid-afternoon leaving the goods yard looking very depleted – not what the paying public expects to see.

Whilst it is accepted modellers must have a free hand with their layouts, in choosing to attend an exhibition these layouts are being held up to scrutiny by the paying public throughout the duration exhibition’s advertised hours of opening.

Trade was of mixed standard with much monies spent on just three really helpful and attentive stands.

Disappointingly, a number of traders (including one manufacturer) remained indifferent to those trying to speak to them about their wares; indifference which ranged from the almost continual heads-down looking at their phones to talking to colleagues without maintaining vigilance across their stand – Clue potential customers standing directly in front of them!

On three stands I simply walked away in favour of a trip to my regular model shop – whilst it is accepted exhibitions are hard work for traders, perhaps visitors need to attend exhibitions armed with a megaphone to capture the trader’s attention…..

Several friends observed a number of stands were trying to sell new and second-hand stock at higher prices than their regular model shops. Without any bargains to be had, their wallets remained firmly closed.

Recently Warley exhibition announced its demise and Alexandra Palace is expected to follow suit. Whilst many of the issues encountered above are out of the direct control of exhibition organisers, few would be surprised if the number of model railway exhibitions taking place continues to fall.

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Demise of Hattons

(8th January 2024)

Today came the sad news that Hattons model shop had made the decision to cease trading and close its doors – another in a long line of model shops that have chosen to close.

Started by Norman Hatton in 1946 on Liverpool’s Smithdown Road, he soon found model railways to be his best seller and in 1958 national advertising lead to larger premises at number 180 expanding into number 182 (next door). The shop later moved to 364 Smithdown Road.

When Norman retired in 1998 the business was then run by his son Keith and daughter Christine with an online presence in 1999. Norman sadly passed in 2005 (aged 87) followed by Keith in 2008.

With £12 million of its £14 million turnover from internet sales, in January 2016 the business moved to more suitable warehouse premises off Montague Road in Widnes (Chesire) leaving Smithdown Road behind. An employee since 1999, Richard Davies became the majority shareholder and Managing Director in 2018.

Hattons produced an excellent model of the ex.SECR ‘P’ class in 2018 although it is understood a model of the class ‘66’ lead to a ‘competition spat’ with a major model producer.

With the announcement of Hatton’s demise also came news of a former employee gaoled for fraud with prosecutor Jo Maxwell identifying the loss of goods worth £45,000 to Hattons (a retail value of £76,149) and that their loss impacted both financially and on staff morale.

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DHL’s race to the bottom

(4th December 2023)

Being a cold and chilly Saturday (2nd December 2023) it was an easy decision to stay in my warm study and work on BloodandCustard, with the morning interrupted by just two parcel deliveries. Around 3pm my intercom buzzed for a third time – it was a neighbour who’d spotted a DHL delivery docket blowing around on my driveway.

DHL had tried to deliver but I was (allegedly) ‘out’. Except I wasn’t ‘out’ and had mostly been seated alongside one of the household intercom handsets.

Underneath the big ‘Please use the Intercom’ sign in my porch window there is a brief explanation that this is a necessary reasonable adjustment for disabilities (Section 20, Equality Act 2010). According, I believe DHL was disability-discriminating through choosing not to use the intercom.

Even the second line of the parcel’s address stated ‘Please use the Intercom’.

So, I tried telephoning DHL (three times) except they chose not to respond. Over a week later an e-mail to DHL still remains unanswered – this included a complaint of disability discrimination. In choosing not to reply I can only assume DHL is not denying discrimination took place.


As I finished unloading my Monday-morning grocery delivery, became was aware of a van pulling up outside (a not-infrequent occurrence in my road). Moving to my front door, I was just in time to interrupt a DHL agent about to knock on the glass of the porch door (his having walked past both the Intercom and the big ‘Please use the Intercom’ sign).

Knocking on the glass of the porch door would have no effect as (with the front door closed) it cannot be heard – not even in the hallway. Hence the big ‘Please use the Intercom’ sign.

In trying to speak with the DHL agent (as he sought my signature) it quickly became clear that the DHL agent had little or no grasp of the English language. So, presumably even if the DHL agent was able understand the big ‘Please use the Intercom’ sign (let alone its essential need due to disabilities) he was unable to communicate with me – hence his choice not to use the Intercom!


This would also explain past incidents of delivery agents ‘playing’ Knock-Down-Ginger – pressing the intercom then running back to their van – and the repeated failures to use the designated well-signed safe place.

It is also clearly signed that I will not accept responsibility for deliveries abandoned on the door step.


This important inability to communicate is significant issue that adversely accepts many consumers (not just Railway Modellers), in particular anyone who relies on an intercom (including the elderly or disabled) and might not be able to answer their door in the few nano-seconds before a delivery agent swiftly departs.


To their credit, the senders of the package (Bachmann) were both concerned and most helpful. Particularly, as they realised their (DHL) delivery agent was the only personal interaction I would have with them and any a bad experiences can lead to significant potential for reputational damage.

With several friends also having had numerous poor experiences with delivery agents choosing not to follow delivery instructions (including not leaving in their designated safe place), it was decided to post this as a cautionary note for others.

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Armistice Day
& Remembrance Sunday

(11th November 2023)

During the Great War seventy-six members of Lancing Carriage Works staff perished in the service of their country. Circa February 1921 the LB&SCR unveiled a memorial to all those employees who perished

Lest we never forget, photographs of that unveiling (with a list of those who perished) is published on BloodandCustard - Lancing Carriage Works 1914-1918 War Memorial.

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Ex-SE&C 0-6-0 at Ashford Locomotive Depot

Ex-SECR ‘O1’ class at Ashford Locomotive Depot

Ex-SECR Stirling class O1 0-6-0 No. 1437 (built October 1897 as Class O, rebuilt March 1914 to O1, withdrawn October 1948) is clearly fresh ex-Ashford Works on 6th July 1946.

“Note the member of staff struggling to rotate the turntable”.

© Ben Brooksbank (CC by SA2.0)


Rapido SECR /SR ‘O1’ Class

(10th November 2023)

Rapido Trains UK have announced they are going to produce the SECR /SR ‘O1’ Class 0-6-0 in 4mm (OO) gauge.

The ‘O1’ class were Wainwright rebuilds (1903-1918) of the Stirling’s ‘O’ class (1878-1891). A fifty-ninth rebuild was undertaken by the Southern Railway in October 1927. Although those remaining ‘O’ class locomotives were withdrawn by 1925, forty-nine ‘O1’ class locomotives survived into British Railways ownership with the last withdrawn in 1961; one is preserved (no.65) on the Bluebell Railway and this will be included in the eleven models being produced. The others being:

No.373 (Wainwright Green), 385 (SECR grey), A7 (SR lined black Maunsell Lettering), 1437 (SR plain black Maunsell lettering), 1046 (SR black early Bulleid lettering), 1379 (SR black sunshine lettering), 100 (East Kent Railway black) & 1065 (British Railways sunshine lettering).

Finally there are:

31064 (British Railways black early crest) withdrawn on 31st May 1958 from Stewart’s Lane (73A) &

31065 (British Railways black late crest) withdrawn on 31st June 1961 from Dover (74C).

Greater coverage detailing this announcement can be found on Graham Muzpratt’s blog.

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Model Prices
A model rail price comparison website

(15th October 2023)

East Sussex Finescale alerted BloodandCustard to a potentially interesting website with the address https://www.modelprices.com/ which is operated by Mads Phikamphon (an enthusiast from Denmark) who states, “most people use my site to find rare models + compare prices across the many shops”.

Due to time constraints, BloodandCustard has only undertaken a cursory overview of this website. However, can see it has significant potential.

It would be interesting to know how UK modellers get on and what reviews the site receives. BloodandCustard wishes Mads well!

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Southern Pride
forthcoming change of ownership

(10th October 2023)

Aware that Southern Pride (a reputable business manufacturing good quality products) was winding down its business, a pre-emptive decision was made to order up a significant quantity of coach seats in readiness for future planned kit-building. The response was quick and after several exchanges an order was placed and promptly arrived.

Except some of the packs did not contain sufficient seats – in this case for a Mk1 non-corridor Open Second. Furthermore these additionally contained tables which were not used in Mk1 non-corridor Open Seconds. Had the packet been muddled for a Mk1 FO?     Well, there didn’t even appear to be sufficient seating for a FO and four full-width seats (as used in Mk1 non-corridor Open Seconds) were included.

So, a polite e-mail seeking clarification was sent to Southern Pride 5th September 2023 who responded 24th October 2023 citing health issues (they have my full understanding), that the error will be corrected once the new owner takes over and it was just a couple of weeks later.

BloodandCustard wishes the new owner all the best!

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A model train on the tracks

Description automatically generated

© www.BloodandCustard.com


EFE ex.LSWR 4 LAV set

(5th September 2023)

Whilst BloodandCustard had already sampled EFE’s ex.LSWR 3 LAV sets nos. 130 (Crimson Lake) and 314 (SR Green with BR numbering) it wasn’t until today that an opportunity arose to sample the Olive Green 4 LAV (four-coach Lavatory) set no. 134; this having the Third Lavatory in the set (along with the two Brake Lavatory coaches and the 1st /3rd Composite Lavatory.

It was certainly not a disappointment for the set looked absolutely superb and is arguable on of the most exciting models of recent times; photographs of the LSWR-liveried set also looks stunning. Well done!

It is hoped that EFE will consider releasing a pair of ‘Loose’ British Rail numbered Third lavatory coaches. For example S625S in Crimson Lake (withdrawn November 1957) and S640S in Malachite Green (withdrawn March 1952) would be ideal candidates with their late withdrawal dates with respect to their liveries.

The history of these sets may be found here: BloodandCustard LSWR Cross-Country sets 130-324

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Silverhill Models (St Leonards-on-Sea)
Another model shop sadly closes.

(28th July 2023)

Today confirmation arrived about something that many modellers feared – the closure of Silverhill Models in St. Leonards-on-Sea in East Sussex. The shop has not been opening for a while and it is believed its rather affable and helpful owner (Len) might be taking a well-earned retirement - thank you for your service to modellers. The empty premises are currently up for sale.

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Compass Model Railways (Rotherfield)
A model shop gem!

(30th June 2023)

Finally was able to visit Compass Model Railways at Rotherfield in East Sussex and what a delightful well-stocked gem it is too – a credit to its eager-to-help owners!

Run by friendly husband & wife team Alan & Alison, as a traditional model railway shop it has an excellent range of stock including scenic supplied. Furthermore, there is a separate well stocked annex with much quality second-hand therein. With several nearby cafés, it is an enjoyable visit to be regularly repeated.

Addendum: The café directly opposite is not recommended by BloodandCustard.

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Arcadia Rail model shop (Shaw)

Excellent service – thank you!

(31st May 2023)

In need of a Bachmann ‘Sheffield Park’ water tank one was located in-stock at Arcadia Rail, a model shop located in Shaw near Oldham. With the order placed with the friendly shopkeeper at 3pm Friday (including a promise of same-day dispatch) the water tank arrived 10.30 am Saturday. Well done and thank you!

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No response from Modelmaster Jackson Evans

(1st February 2023)

Last September 2022 a £16.95 order of numbers & nameplates was placed with and acknowledged by Modelmaster Jackson Evans, a previously reputable supplier and manufacturer of high-quality products.

Appreciating etched name plates can take time, the order appeared to be okay with their website shew ‘order being processed’. Except it wasn’t.

With no sign of the order at the beginning of December 2022, attempts to contact Modelmaster Jackson Evans commenced. Except they chose not to respond to multiple e-mails (sent to their two addresses) nor a telephone message left (subsequent calls simply rang out - both before /after Christmas and the New Year).

A subsequent letter was returned by Royal Mail (1st February 2023 endorsed ‘address inaccessible’) following three unsuccessful attempts to deliver. Yet their recently updated website shewed the firm as still trading (with January 2023 offers) and still identifying this apparently non-existent address (it appears to be a rear-access parking area) as being 60 Dalblair Road (Ayr), which it transpires is directly opposite another address associated with proprietor James (Jim) Grindlay, 49 Dalblair Road (Ayr); the latter being a domestic dwelling.

However, Companies House records Modelmaster Jackson Evans Limited (company number SC590883) of 31 Crown Street, Ayr, United Kingdom, KA8 8AG as being dissolved on 5th January 2021 seemingly after being removed from the register on 29th December 2020. Notwithstanding, the Modelmaster Jackson Evans website still appears to be trading albeit as Modelmaster UK (i.e. not a Limited company).

Sadly the transaction had to be brought into dispute with the credit card company, culminating in recovery of the £16.95.

Ironically on 1st February 2023 the Modelmaster Jackson Evans website stated:

There's a minority of impatient and vociferous customers who complain to Paypal or Stripe, or feed the armchair gossips on certain websites and write to magazines to say I've 'stolen their money' - two weeks after they've ordered!, or I don't answer my phone when they want to 'chase' their order!. 

Their website went on to claim about 97% of orders are delivered within 28 days.

In BloodandCustard’s instance, over two months had elapsed before politely ‘chasing’ the order was attempted. Only after multiple e-mails went unanswered, were telephone calls attempted (no response) culminating in a letter dated 31st December 2022 which was returned by Royal Mail after three attempts to deliver. As a last resort the monies paid was recovered via the Credit Card provider.

Modelmasters Jackson Evans /Modelmasters UK remain welcomed to contact BloodandCustard about this blog entry as the above experience appears to be very much at odds with past (satisfactory) ordering and communications.

Update July 2023 - It is noted that Modelmasters Jackson Evans /Modelmasters UK no longer appears to accept payment by Credit Card (or Paypal) which means recovery of ‘lost’ funds by customers can be much harder.

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Trials & Tribulations of Online Deliveries

(30th October 2022)

With just one credible model shop left in this county and very few in the adjacent counties much business now has to be transacted on line. The downside of this being that the only face-to-face exchanges in these transactions are between the customer and the retailer’s delivery agent – the postman or courier - and this can sometimes be fraught.

As a starting point, this is not assisted by retailers regularly ignoring the notes left when placing an order sometimes not to delivery on a set day or (in the case of advance orders) to check somebody will be there to receive the delivery. Simply doe with an e-mail although even then parcels are dispatched without waiting for a reply!

However, it is the delivery agents who can cause difficulties – fortunately to-date not leading to loss from porch pirates. To countenance this underneath the large and prominantPlease use the Intercom’ sign is a caveat that states I will ‘not accept responsibility for loss if you do not speak to me’.

In one instance, the polite lady from Hermes (who to be fair is very good even if the company as whole may be poor) asked me if she wanted me to place her delivery with the boxes in the open trunk of the car on my drive (intended as a safe place because it can be shut by the agent after delivery). It transpired DPD had left some expensive models sitting there for all to see and without any attempt at using the intercom (I was at home, completely unawares and do test the intercom each morning). Consequently, I immediately contacted the now very concerned retailer and no longer use DPD (pre-pandemic they used to be quite reliable).

The latest incident came when a neighbour telephoned me to say somebody was trying to force a box into my porch’s open hopper window (it was never going to fit anyway). Going to the door I asked the young relief postman why he didn’t use the intercom. “Oh I thought I’d knock on the door instead” even though the inner front door was closed and so it was most unlikely that any such knocking would be heard, let alone in another room. Doh!

Fortunately, the regular postmen and their regular reliefs are first rate!

Similarly a friend has valuable items left in plain view on his doorstep – instructions ignored with the delivery agent having to walk past their designated safe place in order to do this….

Perhaps the COVID 19 pandemic brought about a general degradation in common sense and the ability to read. Ultimately the actions of delivery agents can adversely reflect upon the retailer if something goes awry.

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Morris Models Closed

(1st September 2022)

1964 - 2022

When John Morris, Betty Colby and her brother opened J Morris in 1964, the shop in Manor Road, Lancing originally sold electrical goods and toys. Soon model railways became a major part of the business, and quickly gained a reputation as a specialist in European model railways (including being one of the first UK stockists of Fleischmann) which continued into 2022.

When the last of the founding partners retired in 2006, the business was acquired by Brian and Angie Jackson of Models & Hobbies in Steyning. The opportunity was taken to combine the two businesses at Lancing under the name ‘Morris Models’ whilst confirming the predominance of model railways at the core of the business. Sadly, after fifty-eight years of trading (and unable to find a buyer for the business) the shop permanently closed its doors on 27th August 2022 when Brian and Angie Jackson retired.

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Morris Models Closing

(20th August 2022)

In a story first covered in January, in one week’s time another excellent model shop will close and be lost to modellers for on 27th August 2022, Morris Models will close its doors for the last time as Brian Jackson retires.

Sadly, nobody came forward to buy the business although B&C understands the premises are being sold. This will be a great loss to modellers particularly as the shop (just off the A27) had parking immediately adjacent.

Morris Models started as in 1964 as J Morris selling both electrical goods and toys. However, model railways soon became the major part of the business including as a specialist in European model railways; a reputation that remains today.

In 2006 the business was acquired by Brian & Angie Jackson of Models and Hobbies in Steyning with the two businesses being merged at Lancing under the name ‘Morris Models’.

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Hornby generates uncertainty

(21st February 2022)

Found today on the Kernow Model Rail centre’s website was a troubling announcement:

Hornby 2022 Range

The Hornby 2022 Range was shown in this section. It was announced on 10th January and also includes previously-announced items that have not yet arrived from the 2020 and 2021 range.

We were given an allocation for many new items at the launch date, and then given an increased allocation on some of these items shortly afterwards. On 8th February we were advised that those allocations have since been reduced. We have decided that there is little point in us taking pre-orders on this basis as we never know how many items we will actually receive until we receive the invoice!

We will only contact customers about existing pre-orders if necessary to do so.

Such reductions in allocations have occurred before and caused much upset amongst modellers who have ultimately missed out on being able to purchase their desired model. Indeed, one modeller I know got so fed up with this (and the lack of spares) moved to continental modelling.

Kernow’s decision is completely understandable and (in the absence of a robust explanation from Hornby – particularly following its recent high-profile television series) modellers will be wondering WTF…..

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Model Shop Retirement

(28th January 2022)

When model railway friend Rod Stewart telephoned, he had some sad news for the owner of the model shop we both used (along with so many others) was retiring. Morris Models started as in 1964 as J Morris selling both electrical goods and toys. However, model railways soon became the major part of the business including as a specialist in European model railways; a reputation that remains today.

In 2006 the business was acquired by Brian & Angie Jackson of Models and Hobbies in Steyning with the two businesses being merged at Lancing under the name ‘Morris Models’.

Hopefully a buyer for the business (currently £375,00 - including ownership of shop premises) will be found so Morris Models will continue to flourish and serve modellers along the south coast.

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A question of trust

(28th December 2021)

Most railway modellers repeatedly use tried and trusted companies; occasionally we use previously relatively unknow supplier. In the current pandemic most of our purchases are delivered by Royal Mail or a myriad of courier /delivery companies and honest feedback on these companies can only benefit other modellers.

Over the years I’d left straightforward and honest feedback on a well-known website with many it seems, finding that feedback useful. Except recently that website decided to remove my five-star praise for a delivery firm even though it appeared to buck the trend of mediocracy.

For some reason a computer algorithm has deemed me untrustworthy but invited me to contact them. I did, but to no avail. With genuine reviews being removed (thus yielding a false impression of the company involved) in my opinion the integrity of the review website (Trustpilot) has evaporated and I can no longer trust the accuracy of their reviews.

It is not without irony that in closing my account with them they are still sending me messages about my removed review yet (at the time of posting) are seemingly ignoring my request for account data erasure under Article 17 of GDPR.

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Prompt Service on the eve of Christmas
(23rd December 2021)

As a forty-year plus veteran of the 12”=1’ railway industry sometimes the best laid plans for Christmas engineering work can face last-minute issues. So, it went for my own model railway when a ‘light-bulb’ moment provided an improved method of construction work scheduled for between Christmas and the New Year. However, this would require additional materials.

Except this was 21st December 2021 with many entering into Christmas lethargy or inaction (one friend never received trackwork ordered at the start of the month for his seasonal work). However, I did recall a supplier I’d used once before who was both prompt and offered Royal Mail next-day delivery.

So that afternoon an order was placed with Model Scenery Supplies (of Cromer, Norfolk). It was promptly dispatched the next day and arrived in the morning of 23rd December 2021. With such excellent service I will be using them again.

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Alienating the customer
(9th November 2021)

Across the decades I used to visit Modeller’s Mecca, a friendly shop in Kingswinford that produced end-corridor connections. In recently seeking to buy some more of these it was discovered the shop had closed with the business had moving on-line. So, a substantial order for end-corridor connections was placed.

Many of these were employed on the Bachmann 4 BEP & 4 CEP units where their close coupling gap left room for one connection instead of a pair. Unfortunately, under certain circumstances the corridor connection would catch on the coach’s plastic gangway leading to derailments.

The solution would seem to be using a ‘Modeler’s Mecca’ end plate mounted on one of their balsawood blocks (a press-fit into the plastic gangway). As this appeared to use existing components, Modeller’s Mecca were contacted and asked if it would be possible to undertake a significant production run of these end-plates and at what cost?

Sadly, my e-mail went unanswered as did the follow-up ten days later. Nothing more was heard from Modeller’s Mecca; not even a polite decline. When three months later I started receiving advertising e-mails from the company I asked why when they chose not to respond to my seeking to purchase end-plates. Again silence.

But not to matter as I’ve already moved-on from their products in favour of the Keen Systems floating end-plates which will fit between close-coupled coaches. As for Modeller’s Mecca?       Now alienated by this business (after so many decades) they can no longer be recommended.

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Hornby Hobbies on television
(31st October 2021)

Tomorrow sees the next instalment in a ten-part series on Hornby Hobbies. Designed to appeal to a wide audience (let alone across the varied modelling spectrum) the program portrays the various facets of railway modelling as serious hobby.

Besides an impressively large O-gauge layout modelling Heaton Lodge Junction in the early eighties the program also included a Steampunk layout set on a distant planet. Whilst Heaton Lodge aspires to recreate a specific time and location in history the Steampunk layout was pure creativity with no original source of reference – each at the opposite end of a spectrum one might say and both added much to the program.

Ultimately model railways is a creative hobby where your imagination is in command; only reined in by the size of one’s pockets…..

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A Hobby Moving Forward
(20th May 2021)

We are still in unprecedented times although for this country things are starting to look better although my thoughts go out to all those around the globe who are still struggling.

With physical exhibitions cancelled and shops only now reopening to personal visitors, modellers have been relying on on-line shopping. Indeed, many modellers may be reluctant to re-emerge from shielding. And who can blame them for (as a vulnerable modeller) I will not be rushing out anytime soon – unnecessarily cautious? Possibly but certainly risk adverse.

Physical exhibitions may be slow to recover and possibly not to the same number that were held pre-2020. Model railway clubs have been hit hard with some members will be cautious in their return. Exhibitions take time to organise and come with a financial risk if they need to be cancelled but then all this is stating the obvious.

Certainly, anecdotal evidence suggests the hobby has gained some increase in popularity with shortages of track being reported by some retailers and modellers struggling to obtain supplies.

Soon modellers may have a new livery to add to their stable with the announcement of Great British Railways or GBR. Hopefully this will not be confused with GBRF (GB Railfreight) or the ISO country code (GBR) for Great Britain!

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Poor On-line Deliveries
(15th December 2019)

In these ongoing unprecedented times, many of us are moving towards on-line shopping for many of our modelling purchases and the national demand in all sectors is undoubtedly placing a strain on delivery agents. However, model railway items (particularly say, locomotives) are usually high value items.

Accordingly, retailers are asked to check my availability to receive deliveries. However, many do not leaving companies unable to deliver as I’m in the hospital on their chosen delivery-day. Doh!

More importantly, several friends within East Sussex Finescale have reported locomotives ‘delivered’ sitting by their front door in plain view of the street. One even heard a ‘sorry you were out’ card being put through his letterbox. Even though he rushed to the door the van drove off (something I also experienced many years ago).

Shielding, a friend has lent me one of his station wagons which sits on the drive; its cracked-open tailgate serving as a delivery box. This is explained just below the ‘Please use the Intercom’ sign and its advice that ‘in lieu of a signature the delivery driver will be given a unique code instead’ to both confirm his visit and ask to shut the rear of the station wagon after package-placement so it self-locks. All very simple, safe and reasonably secure.

Most delivery companies follow this simple arrangement except some (but not all) DPD drivers who quietly leave the parcel in the unlocked rear of the station wagon. Yesterday another delivery driver kindly alerted me that a DPD package was already sitting in the unlocked rear of the station wagon. Unawares of its delivery sitting in plain view through the glass, potentially the package could have been stolen from the unlocked rear of the station wagon.

Such a theft could mean arguments about its delivery (ultimately DPD would not be able to quote the unique ‘signature’ code) whilst adding to the retailer’s costs that could lead to a small increase in charges across the hobby.

Previous to this and aware of the diesel-engined van outside, challenged as he walked away one DPD delivery driver claimed the he tried using the intercom. However, when I pressed the button and demonstrated the intercom worked (it is tested daily) the driver he then claimed it didn’t ring for him. So now the sign of the door also states ‘please press the centre of the button firmly but gently’.

Before long I can see the need for guidance as to how to walk up the driveway when carrying a parcel……

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Failing the modeller;
a scourge in our hobby

(8th September 2019)

In 2019 discussions with professional model maker John Arkell of Meadow Road Models in Tunbridge Wells led to an agreement for him to undertake construction of a number of Bulleid-designed electric coaches – at the time quipped as a diversion away from his pre-war modelling into ‘modern image’. A timescale of starting in 2020 being agreed with his price accepted.

Several times this timescale was postponed at Arkell’s request; inconvenient but with professional model makers that isn’t unexpected. However, at the Tonbridge (February) 2020 exhibition as Arkell accepted his ‘free’ restaurant lunch I’d provided. everything appeared fine save still setting the exact start date.

Except COVID-19 provided a reason for not physically meeting as a prelude to starting work; but this was just a further delay - the exact build specification had essentially been agreed and I’d now procured all the materials and components.  Not that physically meeting was an insurmountable barrier as all the research information, kits, motors and components were waiting ready to start work. But during this period further delays were stated by Arkell; this time to Autumn 2020.

On 7th September 2020 a short e-mail from Arkell was opened stating he was choosing not taken on any new work (his excuses are unimportant). Except there was nothing ‘new’ about an 18-month (plus) period that had already elapsed awaiting his start. In one short message he’d trashed his own reputation.

Highly unprofessional, simply choosing to leaving customers in the lurch in this way reflects extremely badly on the hobby as a whole whilst potentially undermining future trust in all those seeking to earn a living through the provision of goods and services.

Like Hornby’s 2020 debacle of failing retailers /modelling in respect of choosing to significantly curtail deliveries of its 2020 Duchess of Athol model (with unfulfilled orders many are being left without) in my opinion choosing to trade in such a manner is a scourge on our hobby.

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Distressed & Weathered
(31st May 2019)

In placing a recent order with The Model Centre at Beck Hole (Whitby) for a pair of 2 EPB units the question of their everyday appearance arose; that is their distressed and weathered condition. Now some may relate this to rolling stock left in a deplorable condition but in reality, this descriptor is intended to cover the range of appearance from rolling stock just a few weeks out of the paint shop to units covered with the grime the carriage washers failed to remove.

So, a new web page has been set up with a selection of photographs of multiple unit stock in various everyday conditions.

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Wikipedia - when industry knowledge is insufficient!
(2nd April 2019)

If this was 1st April few might believe this blogpost!

Across several years BloodandCustard has been publishing the Southern Region /Southern Railway multiple unit histories primarily based on first hand ‘on-the-job’ research by John Atkinson with input from myself. Alongside this BloodandCustard has been amending many of the inaccuracies on Wikipedia in respect of Southern Railway /Southern Region rolling stock (where my railway career started over forty years ago).

Having spent much time updating and removing errors on its class 73 (EDL) page these were immediately removed as ‘original research’ was against Wikipedia’s policies. So, in other words somebody from Wikipedia who ‘wasn’t there’ will not accept first-hand ‘on-the-job’ industry sources but will allow erroneous information often repeated by successive authors - some of these are the very same sources which they wish to use for verification - Doh!

Whilst I have withdrawn from trying to assist this website, rest assured the Southern Region multiple unit histories here on BloodandCustard come directly from Works Records and Unit Data Cards alongside our first-hand knowledge as career railwaymen.

As for Wikipedia?  

Their factual errors and omissions worryingly remain in place ……


Postscript: Since making this post a legitimate GDPR A17 ‘erasure’ request was submitted; this being my standard response when I decide personal data is no longer required by an organisation. Unfortunately, Wikipedia appear to be refusing to erase my e-mail address and username (on the basis of not being personal data – they both are) therefore potentially placing its organisation in breach of these applicable UK /EU regulations.

Perhaps they are relying on their own webpage for guidance which may contain a few errors and omissions……… 

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OO Works to produce LSWR 0330-class Saddle Tank
(20th March 2019)

Having recently been given the tip-off, today OO Works (based in Robertsbridge, East Sussex) announced it latest model; the LSWR 0330 class 0-6-0 saddle-tank. Designed for shunting by William Beattie, twenty of these were built by Beyer-Peacock between 1876 & 1883. All past into Southern Railway ownership although after 1930 just five remained; three of these being scrapped in 1933. However, two went to the KESR and one (1876-built) survived until 1948. The East Kent Railway had also acquired two of the class in 1927 and there was a variant built for use in Ireland.

It is exciting to see a manufacturer produce a model that did not survive into BR ownership – well done Roderick!

With a just few remaining LSWR orders to be dispatched (mine included) this draws OO Works’ successful LSWR K10 ‘Small Hopper’ model to a close!

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How to lose a customer!
(2nd March 2019)

Last Saturday I decided to take up an offer drawn to my attention by a fellow East Sussex Finescale modeller; something I could actually benefit from as it would enable me undertake straightforward modifications to two proprietary locomotives. So, an order was duly placed on-line and (by virtue of the cost of two S15 tender engines) it came with free courier delivery.

Browsing Sunday evening on this shop’s website I was alerted to the availability of three of the four coaches I’d been seeking (I hadn’t spotted them the day before but search engines can be so hit-and-miss).

So, Monday morning I telephoned the shop at 07:30hrs prompt (their opening time) on the basis my order probably hadn’t been dispatched – good news - it hadn’t.

Except whilst Hattons said they could remove items from my yet-to-be dispatched order they were unwilling to increase my order – I couldn’t add to it. This meant I would have to pay postage on the coaches which would no doubt arrive separately but at the same time as the two locomotives!

As a consumer this appeared completely nonsensical and certainly rather customer unfriendly. That I could reduce an order that hadn’t yet been dispatched but not increase the very same order by 50% seemed absurd. However, in the face of such resolute inflexibility by the shop’s staff I decided they didn’t need my business after all and cancelled my original order.

Following this cancellation, I could have conceivably raised a new order with this shop for all the items to arrive in one package but by this time I’d lost interest in trading with them; instead looking towards to a friendly shop in the far west to see if I could obtain both the locomotives and coaches.

Pleasingly not only did Kernow have all four coaches in stock, they were selling both the S15 locomotives at an even greater discount. Essentially this meant the ‘missing coach’ came at (almost) no additional overall cost!

On Saturday morning I had looked at the prices of these locomotives on Kernow’s website but it appears their offer hadn’t yet been advertised. Ironically the Kernow order was delivered in the morning of the 3rd (same-day as my cancelled order was expected) by the very same courier company!

At the time Hattons were invited to comment - I found their response entirely by chance through their ‘happy sheet’. This response didn’t say anything new insofar as their ‘quick’ computerised system couldn’t change an order – well it could but only to remove an item - essentially finding a bigger box for additional items was beyond its capabilities.

 I politely declined their goodwill discount voucher offer.

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Disability Discrimination at Tenterden?
(22nd February 2019)

Attending an exhibition today in Tenderden we were fortunate in arriving early - to enjoy the venue’s breakfast before the exhibition opened; indeed, we were first through the door at 10am.

However, close to the entrance the car park was full and the school-venue’s solitary blue-badge bay legitimately occupied. So, it was not unreasonable to assume that these vehicles belonged to those running /exhibiting at the venue. With no viable option and no club officials /marshals in sight we just parked sensibly on an internal roundabout displaying a valid blue-badge. Later attendees were not so lucky.

During the exhibition the opportunity was taken to tactfully raise this with one of the club officials; somebody who claimed that (by virtue of their role as an Ashford Councillor) they understood the Equality Act 2010 but were unable able to do anything. I was surprised by this as it certainly isn’t my professional understanding.

The Equality Act 2010 does state ‘reasonable adjustments’ and ensuring adequate blue-badge /availability of disabled parking is (I understand) an entirely reasonable expectation; particularly exhibition when this same issue had been raised in two previous years.

The ‘old chestnut’ of the ‘school has blue-badge bays was trundled out’ (we only found one). But of course, the number of bays provided for the school are based on provision for school staff (etc) and not the huge crowds attending a busy model railway exhibition.

It was claimed there weren’t enough staff to fulfil this statutory obligation but we observed the venue had (for example) two reasonably well-staffed places within selling tea. Presumably having adults staffing the second ‘tea-point’ (a source of income) was more important than the needs of paying visitors with disabilities?    (Perhaps such activities are excused by a hitherto unknown clause in the Equality Act 2010).

Whilst there was his sense of humour failure about all the bays closest to the entrance being already taken by those running /exhibiting (at the venue) the promised ‘need to move these so paying public could park’ was never acted upon - the same cars occupied the same places when we left.

Similarly, a promise to move a couple of seats across the hall to enable ourselves and others to sit (and even watch a live-steam Gauge 1) remained unfulfilled.

Having raised this disabled parking issue both three and two-years previously, such knowing intransigence to the needs of disability by the exhibition management of this Ashford-based club remains completely unacceptable and morally repugnant; let alone a potential breach of the Equality Act 2010.

Even more so when this club official works in a professional position of responsibility (in the public sector) where he should know that (under the Equality Act 2010) exhibition managers do have statutory duties in respect of providing assistance (reasonable adjustments) to those with disabilities. Certainly not to reasonably do so would be out-with the Civil Service Code that his employment requires him to abide by.

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Still Getting Short-changed by Exhibitions?
(15th February 2020)

Back in August Blood and Custard reported on a club’s 50th Anniversary Exhibition in Bexhill-on-Sea where layouts were being run with token trains as the exhibitors had packed the majority of their stock away long before closing time and when paying public were still expecting to be entertained.

At the time the observation was made that when attending a concert if the audience is lucky, they get to enjoy an encore; what almost never happens is the band or orchestra packing up its instruments leaving the finale being played on (say) just a guitar and tambourine. Unless the band or orchestra was along the lines of the Mamas and the Papas, surely there would be outrage if that occurred!

At today’s one-day exhibition in Tonbridge the same short-changing of paying public was taking place with some layouts being exhibited; one kept shuttling the same set of carriages back and forward presumably in the belief a change of locomotive would suffice.

Yet, less than five minutes before this occurred my entry ticket had been diligently inspected as I transited between exhibition halls through the public reception area – in other words there was still an expectation to pay to enter the exhibition. With club officials still inspecting tickets into this hall my disappointment was tactfully and politely made know to a club member. However, the response was somewhat indifferent even though the exhibition had another 30-minutes to run.

So, once again the paying public are effectively being short-changed by exhibition managers (and their clubs) who knowingly let this practice continue unabated and once again, we left an exhibition feeling we’d not received our monies worth whilst questioning whether to attend their next exhibition.

Now most people are reasonably pragmatic and aren’t necessarily expecting the railway to retain its full complement of stock. However, a layout should give some resemblance of credibility with (where appropriate) more than a token train aimlessly shuttling to and from just to try and give a pretence of an operational railway.

Furthermore, it is appreciated many (if not all) of the layouts were being provided on a voluntary basis (I have been an exhibitor many times). But it still has to be remembered that people have paid money to attend exhibitions with a reasonable expectation to be entertained; not to be ‘short-changed’. Surely exhibitors are attending on the basis of understanding this commitment?

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No Postcode? No Sale!
(30th January 2020)

There is a continental (Belgian-based) firm advertising an ever-increasing range of 3D-printed model coaches, Locomotives and EMUs including a significant number of unusual UK models. Whilst it shews graphic representation of these, I’ve yet to meet anyone who as bought and sampled the final product. So, upon finding an SECR six-wheeled brake van thereon I decided to purchase one to see exactly what you receive, particularly in terms of quality of finish.

Upon checking-out their website kept telling me my postcode should only be seven digits long (it is). However, after re-entering my postcode the website told me I hadn’t entered an e-mail address – but I had and the website had ‘cleverly’ deleted it – doh!

After several tail-chasing attempts I gave up and tried to locate some contact details - only to find I need to create an ‘account’ to do this. Why does everyone want to ‘harvest’ my details and insist on an account just to resolve (in this case) their problem with their website?

[In London I recently came across a coffee bar that sought to insist on knowing my name when all I wanted to do was buy a drink!]

Also, if it was this impossible to actually purchase anything then how difficult will it be to receive the goods or return them if there was a fault or even ask technical questions about the product. Based on this experience I could only assume the worst.

By this point I was beginning to give up the will to live and just accepted their products were only available to those who had a degree in modern computing. Selling products over the internet can be useful but only works if it is simple to use and people can actually get to buy the goods on offer. With a local model railway exhibition looming I’ll look-see what is available there rather than wasting time with an unknown model on a website that doesn’t want me to purchase anything…….

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Disappointing start to 2020
(12th January 2020)

At the start of January one major manufacturer announced its 2020 model releases to eager modellers, except for many this was a huge disappointment!

Certainly, as a Southern Region modeller there was nothing new on offer (apart from one BR coach found across all regions). It must be added that several previously announced models (some already long overdue) were reconfirmed as were new Southern Railway livery versions for existing models. However, at least this does leave the year-2020 annual modelling budget of many modellers free to be spent elsewhere.

Quite a few new releases of old-fashioned tinplate models were announced. However, although charming these archaic offerings no longer form part of mainstream modelling scene. Essentially such limited-edition models are intended for the collector’s market and I accept these may well be hugely popular (I would be very surprised if they weren’t).

However, by not forming part of today’s mainstream modelling scene these are potentially unlikely to be of anything other than passing interest to many 4mm modellers. Indeed, having been served well over the past two decades, in terms of 2020 this arguably retrogressive announcement may leave some 4mm modellers with the feeling of abandonment in favour of niche-collectors.

Ultimately this is of course hugely disappointing and gives little cause for celebration. Particularly when there appeared to be genuine interest in having modern detailed versions of past 4mm models that were last seen fifty or sixty years ago - a lost opportunity perhaps?

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How to lose a new customer at the outset!
(18th December 2019)

Seeking a replacement model railway magazine, I signed up for a year’s subscription with another well-known publication Model Rail and was pleasantly surprised to see it appeared to be offering a free brake van with my new subscription. Perhaps I’d misunderstood for was sent a voucher for a box of chocolates redeemable only in-store. Except a serious medical condition prevents such an indulgence. Furthermore, there wasn’t any of this chain of shops in my county of residence (let alone nearby).

With a start like that it was easier to invoke a cancellation under distance selling regulations and simply give up on model railway magazines…..

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Are Model Railway magazines losing touch?
(13th December 2019)

For over five decades I have been into model railways purchasing the accompanying monthly magazines; my favourite having been the long-departed Model Railway Constructor. Today I cancelled my renewal of another long-standing magazine Railway Modeller; its January issue being of so little interest I’d already placed it in the recycling bin.

A terrible thing to say, but for some time I’ve concluded its editorial had been somewhat stale. Certainly, it has shewn little or no interest in (say) matters of diversity such as disability issuers associated with the hobby – in my opinion discrimination by omission.

More significantly, for the last few months much of its coverage was devoted to promoting a reality television model railway show. Now, it is accepted that this may be popular in some quarters of our diverse hobby and so may of interest to many. However, there was no interest amongst our own modelling group; indeed, even a perception that this television show (and therefore the magazine) was not promoting model railways as a serious hobby with dedicated participants. Accordingly, this has resulted in a divergent path between magazine and some long-term readers.

Furthermore, it is perceived that recently much space in several editions has been used to essentially promote a large annual exhibition including post-event back-slapping. For some time now this exhibition has (for many) become too expensive to attend (entrance fee /parking charges /cost of tea & food) and has inadequate provision (like so many other exhibitions) in respect of its provision for those with mobility issues.

Across the hobby exhibition attendances will keep falling if the promotors continue to fail to address these basic issues.

So, with other issues (such as reviews appearing long after items had rapidly become sold-out) it was time to part company. In doing so I did try to tactfully raise these issues with the magazine staff based at Beer in Devon. However, the was no meaningful interest in engagement thus no opportunity for them to find out why they have lost another long-term reader or (as I suspect) they simply weren’t interested.

Through this website I do have much engagement with the newer generations of railway modellers. Certainly, if I was starting modelling now modern transit systems would hold much interest. Within this it is interesting how (in this on-line age) magazines are losing relevance as social media takes over. If magazines cannot cater for the up and coming generations whilst losing their existing readers then we may sadly see some fall into decline.

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Commercial risk or out of touch with demand?
(24th November 2019)

This blog posting was submitted a good friend and experienced career railwayman (ex.BR) Driver Blakeman who attended this weekend’s Warley show in Birmingham. He reported:

“During my visit to the exhibition I took the trouble to speak with a manufacturer about producing a 4 EPB. This manufacturer has already produced excellent models of a 4 CEP, a four-car class 350 Desiro and the six-car Blue Pullman (both MR & WR types). They also have a 4 BEP scheduled November 2020.

Within their range this manufacturer also produces an excellent 2 EPB and (for Kernow) both a 2H diesel unit and 4TC. They also have a 2 HAP (phase 2) unit scheduled for July 2020.

So, on this basis the manufacturer was asked if they were going to make a 4 EPB. However, their reply was (to paraphrase) ‘there were no plans for it a being a four car, there was a lot more money involved and the commercial risk may not make it viable’. Their reply further admitted other people had been asking for a 4 EPB that weekend.

I left their stand somewhat bemused, as not only had this manufacturer successfully produced a number of four and six-car multiple units, they already produced half the coaches required to produce a 4 EPB - the pair of phase-1 motor coaches. Admittedly the 4 EPB motor coaches don't have the roof conduit of the 2 EPB motor coach, but then the (identical) 2 HAP (phase 2) motor-coach doesn’t have roof-conduit either; a minor issue soon to be solved!”

So, this left just one coach to produce - the Trailer Second (TS). As both TS coaches were half-compartment /half open even the interiors would be identical within each four-car unit. A TS could also for the basis of a centre-car for the 2H (to produce a 3H unit) and even a locomotive- hauled 64’ Non-corridor Second.

Given so many modellers appear to want a 4 EPB, as a modeller I was left asking myself does the tooling cost (essentially for one coach) really represent that great a commercial risk when so many elements are already in place to produce a 4 EPB?

As modellers we can only speculate, but unlike continental companies (such as Piko and Brawa who produce four, five and six-car multiple units in ‘H0’) here in the UK several of our manufacturers can at times appear to be averse to producing four-car multiple units; potentially leaving a significant void in satisfying modellers' demand!

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Lack of Trading Openness?
(20th November 2019)

Last year a good friend took delivery of an excellent limited-edition diesel locomotive being promoted and directly-sold by a well-known model railway group. By chance he found out that this year’s limited-edition (a variation of the same class of locomotive) had already been released. Concerned that his 2019-model hadn’t arrived the model railway group were contacted, only to be advised they’d cancelled his order because he had not responded to an e-mail they’d sent just a couple of weeks previously.

Not unexpectedly he wanted to an explanation, especially as model railway group had his telephone numbers and nobody had tried to call when he hadn’t responded to their e-mail. Except it then transpired the model railway group hadn’t actually sent him the e-mail (to which he’d allegedly failed to respond to). At this point the situation worsened as they also declared they’d sold out of this model-release!

Fortunately, the situation was finally saved as the model railway group could offer him a more-expensive DCC sound-equipped weathered model, which he was happy to accept and is very pleased with.

Now that might have been the end of the matter, except in the weekly newsletter of a well-known reputable retailer, the ‘sold-out’ model locomotives were now offering on their website. To be clear, there is certainly no criticism of that reputable retailer who presumably legitimately acquired a quantity of these locomotives. Perhaps this was the group’s left-over stock being rather too swiftly sold-on?

Essentially what was rather poor was this retailing- model railway group’s apparent failures in respect of contacting its loyal customers - who were looking forward to obtaining their limited-edition model order. Furthermore, the availability of an allegedly ‘sold-out’ model via a reputable retailer could be construed as a lack of openness in its trading by this model railway group; something that could undermine the credibility of other unrelated groups seeking to produce limited edition models.

As a general aside it is disappointing that so many assume recipients of e-mails are reading them within minutes of sending (taking no account of that person being away etc) then assuming that e-mail has been received (and ignored) without further checks – all said and done, it isn’t difficult to pick up a telephone…...

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An Unpalatable and Repugnant Denial
(19th October 2019)

As two of us sat swilling tea at a model railway exhibition in Uckfield during 2019 a pair of local finescale P4 society modellers engaged us in conversation from an adjacent table; one of these I’d known for nearly a decade. Within the conversation we were asked if we wanted to join a local finescale group being formed as there was ‘nothing in the local area’.

Except the two of us were amongst the founding members of the East Sussex Finescale (modelling) group which had been in existence since 2013 – something that the individual asking was very well aware of. East Sussex Finescale had a web-presence almost since day one!

Whilst we wish other modellers well in progression of their hobby, it is rather unpalatable and repugnant to have somebody knowingly seek to deny the existence of a well-established finescale modelling group ‘in the area’ (including repeated on the Scalefour Society website); incredibly disrespectful and certainly bringing the hobby into disrepute (along with his local model railway club - of which he is an official).

Ironically, when East Sussex Finescale was starting out back in 2013 and we approached this individual to see if he’d wish to join us, but he chose not to. Ultimately, we can only speculate as to this individual’s motives for his comments, but certainly this incident now adds credibility to past grumblings from other local modellers alleging mischief on his behalf.

To date, East Sussex Finescale successfully continues to assist local finescale modellers in many scales rather than just one very specific scale and gauge!

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Discrimination by Model Railway Exhibition
(28th September 2019)

This morning’s news headlines cover arguments in respect of racial discrimination issues at the UK’s national broadcaster. However, although equally pernicious and covered by the same Equality Act 2010, disability-discrimination appears to remain in certain quarters, acceptable. One of these ‘quarters’ are model railway exhibitions where making reasonable adjustments for those with disabilities (i.e. providing a ‘level playing field’) and all too often ignored.

Today a model railway exhibition is about to take place in the nearby seaside town of Worthing-upon-Sea. The exhibition appears to have a good spread of layouts /traders and has been described by some as disabled-friendly. Except it isn’t and the organisers website does not – indeed cannot - make this claim.

Remember this is 2019 and for nearly a decade exhibition organisers have a statutory duty under the Equality Act 2010 to make exhibitions accessible. Even though the venue is relatively modern and has some facilities for those with disabilities, the exhibition was (in previous years) inadequate. Nobody manages the car parking with its substandard number of blue-badge parking bays let along their being abused (based on previous year’s observations) by able-bodied motorists. Such abuse by motorists in itself can be considered as disability-discrimination.

For this exhibition there should be adequate blue-badge parking at the venue and (as a reasonable adjustment for disability) this should be properly managed with sufficient provision made to meet the needs of the exhibition’s mobility-impaired visitors. Given the exhibition is a annually-repeated event and this problem has been previously raised with the organisers (more than once) there is no excuse for not knowing that this is a problem. The organisers impact assessment of the arrangements they are putting in place (including a do-nothing ‘cop-out’ – potentially a breach of the Equality Act 2010) should raise alarm bells that they may be failing to make reasonable adjustments as required by the Equality Act 2010.

It may be that the owners hiring out the venue will not let the organisers manage the car park. In which case the responsibility to make reasonable adjustments as required by the Equality Act 2010 rests with the venue owners. However, the exhibition managers should have agreement as to how this will be provided as part of hiring the venue (or ultimately declining to hire the venue). If the exhibition organisers thinks a ‘they won’t let us do this’ situation simply absolves them from their duties under the Equality Act 2010 then they might just find they are mistaken.

Within the venue there is a large exhibition area with no reasonable access for persons of reduced mobility. Certainly, a circuitous route involving a long walk and climbing non-dropped kerbs cannot be described as reasonable. But it doesn’t stop there as the stepped access is devoid of handrails and so not fit for purpose as an exhibition area. Certainly, the exhibition managers would struggle to find a legitimate defence against charges under Section 2 and Section 3 of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 whilst their insurers might think about whether in loss can be reclaimed if the exhibition organisers knew of this risk but did not inform them.

One would hope these disability issues have been addressed prior to this morning’s opening of the exhibition and nothing would give me greater pleasure than to report that significant changes have been made since last year. However, at the time of writing with no indications of anything to the contrary, I fear this will not be the case - placing model railway enthusiasts with disabilities at a disadvantage and as a consequence being left no option to sit at the back-of-the-bus.

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Society Refusing GDPR Data Erasure
(10th September 2019)

Article 17 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) gives data subjects the right to obtain erasure from a data controller without undue delay if one of a number of criteria apply.  Two of these criteria are (1) the data controller doesn’t need the data anymore <there needs to be a defined valid lawful reason if they claim they do need it> and (2) the subject withdraws consent for the processing with which they previously agreed to (and the controller doesn’t need to legally keep it).

Recently I sought to join a UK-wide model railway society but rapidly found the situation was an unhappy one; the details are unimportant.  Fortunately, I was able to cancel the application process under the 14-day distance selling regulations.

However, the society (i.e. the data controller) has it appears, refused my reasonable Article 17 request for erasure of my details (i.e. the data subject). In terms of their response (which is ambiguous - further e-mails were not responded to) it is my belief that this society may be acting out-with the requirements of GDPR.  With the one-month statutory timescale having elapsed, the only option was to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office.  For the society involved this issue is not going to go away anytime soon and may simply continue to escalate.

Besides wasting the time of both the Information Commissioner’s Office and myself, in my opinion such a refusal brings the model railway hobby into disrepute.  For refusing this reasonable request, the society’s disrespectful arrogance of Article 17 erasure-refusal simply supports my decision to cease the membership-application process.

Furthermore, through both not providing the response required by GDPR and potentially their apparent refusal to respond to a valid Article 17 request, I believe places this society at odds with GDPR.  On this basis and like many others, I have no wish to be involved in (or be complicit with) an organisation that knowingly choses not comply with the legal requirements of the UK’s statute books.

As a consequence, this society will now have to explain itself to the Information Commissioner’s Office (there is currently a two-month case backlog). Although unlikely to be applied here, in respect of GDPR the potential penalties for non-compliance can be considerable let alone reputational damage.

Update: After the intervention of the ICO the society acted and was finally able to confirm data erasure.

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Getting Short-changed by Exhibitions?
(10th August 2019)

When attending a concert if the audience is lucky, they get to enjoy an encore; what almost never happens is the band or orchestra packing up its instruments leaving the finale being played on (say) just a guitar and tambourine. Unless the band or orchestra was along the lines of the Mamas and the Papas, surely there would be outrage if that occurred!

Most model railway exhibitions charge an entrance fee and those paying to attend have a reasonable expectation to be ‘entertained’. Yet there are many occasions where both exhibitors and sometimes the exhibition organisers consider it acceptable for layouts to commence being packed away long before the exhibition is at an end - even though paying ‘audience’ members are still present and expecting to be entertained.

This afternoon at a club’s 50th anniversary exhibition in Bexhill-on-Sea that is exactly what occurred.

Some forty-minutes before the exhibition-end, much of rolling stock on one layout was being rapidly packed away to the detriment of those of us who were expecting to see a reasonably operational layout. Moving to another hall less than ten-minutes later, we were confronted by a visiting layout of a sizeable terminus (that had featured in at least one mainstream magazine) devoid of all trains except two just sitting stationary in the platforms. Approaching the layout, one of the layout’s operators stepped in front of us to remove the last remaining wagon.

In both instances this left the layouts looking as though they were simply waiting to be packed away. Certainly, there was minimal resemblance of any meaningful railway operations taking place.

Having walked away from these layouts in disgust, representations were made to the member of staff sitting at the pay-desk. However, after confirming the exhibition was open for another thirty-minutes our representations were dismissed with a seemingly disinterested apology; it could be said that this even suggested this premature packing up of layouts was completely acceptable to the exhibition organisers who had charged us entry.

We left the exhibition feeling we’d not received our monies worth and certainly with little or no interest in attending their next exhibition.

Whilst it is appreciated many (if not all) of the layouts were being provided on a voluntary basis (I have been an exhibitor many times) it has to be remembered that people have paid money to attend exhibitions and should not be ‘short-changed’. Surely exhibitors are attending on the basis of understanding this commitment?

At the same exhibition after looking at a layout devoid of movement for several minutes I politely asked if the layout was a static exhibit. The response was essentially “no sorry, I’m talking” before turning away to continue the conversation with his chum. So, it appears this was to all intents a static exhibit given interest (from paying public) was ignored.

This is an issue increasingly encountered at quite a number of exhibitions although to be fair a small minority do try to prevent this from happening - but not today.

Ironically it was only recently that one of the mainstream model railway magazines tried to start a conversation as to why attendance at exhibitions was falling………….

Certainly, many of us in our modelling circle are already becoming very choosy in respect of the exhibitions we now bother to attend.

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Woeful Bexhill exhibition attitude towards Disability
(10th August 2019)

Attending an exhibition today in Bexhill-on-Sea with blue-badge displayed we still had to remonstrate with the exhibition’s parking attendants to be able to park close to the entrance; even then no wide-bay parking was provided amongst the non-blue-badged cars. Given the attitude of the parking attendants and that these same non-blue-badged cars were still present when we left, it would not be unreasonable to assume that they belonged to those running /exhibiting the exhibition (i.e. not paying customers) and could have been moved to provide sufficient space for those with blue-badges etc.

When this was tactfully raised at the exhibition pay-desk the attitude was somewhat indifferent; with the disabled parking claimed as ‘self-policing’. This beggared belief given the indifference of the pair of ‘parking attendants’ on duty (there were more attendant(s) distant in the car-park). Essentially, I doubt that the club’s disability-discrimination was even being realised - inexcusable. Having said that, one club official standing close by quickly made himself scarce…

Recalling a similar issue two-years previously, such intransigence to the needs of disability by the exhibition management of this club further manifest itself inside the multi-levelled venue with only one club member providing assistance (thank you to that person). There was minimal guidance on how to get between levels and none when it came to struggling with the heavy external doors which (upon opening) were wrenched from my grasp by the strong gale-force winds.

Under the Equality Act 2010 exhibition managers do have statutory duties in respect of providing assistance (reasonable adjustments) to those with disabilities and not to do so remains completely unacceptable and morally repugnant.

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Seeking Answers
(4th July 2019)

In today’s ‘internet age’ so much information is more readily available to the modeller, although there is a degree of misinformation too. No doubt modellers have always been seeking answers to questions; except now those questions are being sought from a wider audience and are more obvious to all. Indeed, BloodandCustard came about to assist in answering some of those questions; particularly filling in odd gaps not covered elsewhere. This included publishing the Southern Electric multiple unit histories; the topic upon which most correspondence is received. In undertaking this work, website visitors are reminded BloodandCustard is a privately funded non-commercial website with limited time-resource from somebody who has a busy day-job!

Many railway records are still on paper files (including record cards) and aren’t available online. Recently in spotting a significant number of unanswered questions on a commercial (media-run) forum, BloodandCustard did try to assist but after several attempt was unable to elicit any response; annoyingly frustrating. However, when contact was eventually established there was no apparent interest in the knowledge being proffered.

In this respect, the reaching out to others seeking information is not something BloodandCustard is minded to attempt again.

However, hopefully many can gain some answers can be gained from BloodandCustard. Furthermore, useful relevant information received from those interested in sharing for the benefit of others continues to be appreciated.

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Game, Set and (no) Match
(21st June 2019)

As a former employee of British Railway’s Southern Region, I am well acquainted with the use of fixed-sets to form trains; whether these be electric (and diesel) multiple-unit trains or (back in the nineteen-fifties) coaching sets.

However, sets are a concept possibly still not fully grasped by model railway manufacturers.

Arguably it was Replica Railways that released the first coaching sets in the form of their Mk1 64’ ‘Exmouth Branch’ suburban sets. These came in packs of three coaches (BS-C-BS) each carrying the correct coach numbers for sets 152, 153, 154 and 155 with Crimson Lake /Green versions (SR numbered) and some with WR numbering. Loose seconds were also sold. Complete with Romford finescale wheelsets (a real bonus) several years on it would be nice to see these sets released again.

A welcome issue, Hornby released Maunsell Special Traffic 6-car set no.273 in two packs (R2815 containing three coaches BCK /SK /CK with Schools Class no.30924 ‘Haileybury’ and R4379 containing BCK /SK /CK). The BCK and SK coaches were of the correct Low Window type; very few Low Window coaches have been released by Hornby in BR(S) green or CLC.

Hornby also released correctly set /coach numbered 48’ Maunsell rebuild 2-car sets and Bachmann followed soon after with their much-acclaimed excellent Birdcage sets, again with correct coach set /coach numbering (also two diagram numbers were produced ); these coaches only ever ran as a fixed three-car formation and if a coach was found to be defective the whole set was removed for repair.

Today model shops were receiving deliveries of the eagerly anticipated 59’ Bulleid coaches which (for the most) ran in three car sets (BSK /CK /BSK). Except shops were being delivered two versions of the CK in Southern Railway green livery (from sets 965 & 973) and three versions of the BSK in Southern Region green livery (from sets 968 & 972). I suspect this is probably more down to a cock-up (to use a technical term) but it does make you wonder.

Recently Hornby have announced further versions of their SouthEastern Javelin electric multiple units sets except these are only being offered as a four-car set without any opportunity to purchase the additional two cars necessary to recreate a correct-length six-car set. Some might say bizarre as those wanting a correct length train will need to buy two packs and discard the driving cars and will end up with duplicate coach numbers. However, to be fair it is rumoured that the additional cars are proposed by Hornby to make correct length Javelin sets.

When it comes to multiple units Bachmann scored very highly with their superb six-car Blue Pullman set; a model of an iconic train I really wanted to find an excuse for having one on my layout. Although I failed to find an excuse for a Blue Pullman set, Hornby produced the 5 BEL ‘Brighton Belle’ sets. However, their choice of numbers is strange. No.3053 was released in Blue but then again in 1960s Chocolate /Cream with yellow warning panel. Had another unit been chosen then the two units could have been run together – except Hornby hasn’t made any provision to enable this clearly missing the point of ‘multiple’ unit. After all most Brighton Belle works were as a ten-car train. Now, I appreciate not everyone can or will want to run a ten-car train but there are many who can.

Strangely enough Hornby have chosen to ignore 5 BEL units from the nineteen-fifties, having only offered early nineteen-thirties and nineteen sixties versions. Indeed, with may Southern-Electric units the number of models featuring sixties yellow-warning panels appears to be disproportionately high given the relatively short duration /time period that saw these used on some (but not all) units.

Furthermore, some models have only been produced with minimal unit-number variations for each given unit; a possible clue being ‘multiple’ in the term electric multiple unit. With some units having been remaindered in shops perhaps more number variations are required within an overall production run. Certainly, I would but one of each number version of a particular unit but not duplicates of any given unit number.

Much research and development go into making so many excellent models these days. In concentrating on the details perhaps model manufacturers slightly miss the wider picture of how these trains were operated and what modellers are seeking?

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DJ Models Ltd enter Receivership
(7th June 2019)

I anticipate only few modellers use the Companies House website and perhaps even fewer read the London Gazette; this being an official publication that I’ve used many times in the past to provide notice of Parliamentary Bills and latterly applications to the Secretary of State in respect of submissions under the Transport and Works Act for new railway and tramway schemes. The London Gazette is also used for matters such as notification of deaths (for the purposes of inheritance) and for petitions to enter into receivership. Yesterday one such notification was published on behalf of DJ Models Ltd (Company Number 08601496) with resolutions for winding-up and an appointment of liquidators (the Companies House website has been updated to shew the liquidators address). DJ Models Ltd website carries an announcement of their closure (stated as 4th June 2019).

Companies entering receivership are rarely saved with the company ceasing to trade. Assets are usually subject to liquidation (often sold at a knock down price), directors will typically lose their employment (and any monies due to them from the company) while their conduct is investigated. From the creditors' perspective, it is unlikely that any unsecured creditors will receive little or even any of their money back with the bank having to underwrite the receiver's costs.

If my recollections are correct, locomotives made by DJ Models Ltd were the excellent LSWR Beattie Well Tanks and the LSWR O2 (both commissioned by Kernow along with the superb LSWR Gate-Stock), the BR(S) Type HA (TOPS class 71), GWR 14xx (commissioned by Hattons) and finally an LNER J94 (the latter two models being in Hornby’s range). Whilst the ownership of the tooling probably rests elsewhere (perhaps with the factory(s) in China) one could speculate if there are any rights to use that tooling that could be acquired as part of the liquidation - assuming these rights to use aren’t already held by others (such as the commissioning companies) and that more model issues these would be commercially viable under another brand.

Blood and Custard perceives there is much speculation as to why this situation has arisen and readers will no doubt be able to find such ‘rumour and gossip’ elsewhere on the web, although this development does not appear to have created huge surprise. What is clear, none of the proposed models will now be produced by DJ Models Ltd including those being sourced through crowdfunding. Like many investments, peer-to-peer lending (crowdfunding) can be a gamble in which the investor has to be prepared to lose all in their furtherance of a common goal.

Those who invested more than £100 in crowdfunding (compared to placing an order or deposit on an order) via their credit card may have recourse via the Consumer Credit Act 1974 but this is by no means certain as the money was being paid on the basis of investing (via crowdfunding) into the production of a model rather than for the certain delivery of goods. Conversely the credit-card company may accept that the goods (of value over £100) were being ordered and so provide a straightforward refund. In seeking recourse I recall that a time-imperative may exist under the Limitation Act 1980.

Ultimately anyone caught in this situation will need to take sound legal advice although if the sum is relatively minor (as low as £30 has been bandied about) it might just be simpler to put this down to experience. The Financial Ombudsman Service does provide advice this on their website including references to the Financial Conduct Authority who may consider crowdfunding to be a loan.

In an update to this post (20th June 2019) a statement of DJ Model’s affairs as published by Companies House may be found here.



Move to ‘https’ with SLL certification
(24th May 2019)

Readers may have noted that some websites use ‘http’ whilst others have ‘https’. With http websites information between that website and is transferred unencrypted with the web page being flagged as "insecure". On BloodandCustard this is not really a problem as our website is passive with no transfer of personal data.

Other websites that use say, a password or require the input of personal data should use a more secure ‘https’ connection. With ‘https’ the website has an SSL certificate associated with it to provide you with a greater level of security. For those who want to learn more there are any websites on the net that explain the mechanics of how this works.

However, many popular browsers now warn users if they are trying to access a site that doesn't use an SSL certificate (i.e. doesn't support ‘https’ access) which can lead to site-visitors being advised to not continue onto an ‘http’ site. This could potentially lead to a reduction in search engine ranking and the website could suffer if it doesn’t support ‘https’. Accordingly, although ‘BloodandCustard’ remains a passive website (it can be read without a login or password) we have decided to move to ‘https’ to provide users with the comfort of browsing a website with SSL certification.

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Vandalism at Market Deeping show
(20th May 2019)

Few can have missed the national news headlines in respect of the overnight wanton vandalism of an entire model railway show last weekend leading to four arrests at the scene. Held in a school hall, these feck-wits broke into the premises and wrecked exhibits, layouts and trade stands with consideration towards the impact this would cause upon so many. Fortunately, such incidents are rare and the public response in terms of donations most-heartening.

Like most hobbies, railway modelling is a labour of love with the final financial value of any given model being somwhat minimal compared the hours spend building that model. Notwithstanding this most modellers aren’t constructing models with a view to the final monetary value. However, when it comes to insuring models, cover is based on just that, its monetary value with modellers unlikely to receive full ‘reimbursement’ on the many hours of time and dedication involved.

What may need to be reviewed is the security of model railway exhibitions; indeed, insurance companies may start considering adherence to more stringent standards which exhibition managers may struggle to meet when the venue is rented for the show. Years ago, I was aware of some clubs that manned their venues overnight; quite an onerous ‘ask’ as (besides the unsociable hours) clubs are often stretched already.

 Hopefully, this incident will not be repeated with minimal adverse impact on the hobby. As for the feck-wits that wrought this devastation?      Perhaps their sentence ought to be community-service equating to the thousands of hours that had been spend creating the models they so wantonly destroyed in just a matter of minutes….?

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Copyright Infringement & Plagiarism
(5th May 2019)

Last year BloodandCustard found blatant plagiarism on a railway enthusiast’s website in respect of BloodandCustard’s livery-history, which had been copied verbatim (including a couple of minor errors long-since corrected). Except it wasn’t just a case of BloodandCustard’s copyrighted work being copied; it was being passed off as the work of the offending website with no mention of BloodandCustard. Steps were rapidly taken to have the offending material removed. Had that website asked if the work could have been used (suitably accredited) then BloodandCustard would probably have provided its consent although a link would have been equally effective.

Several years previously BloodandCustard copyrighted photographs were published without consent in a commercial for-profit publication; again, without consent. Accordingly use of these images was stopped.

It has just come to BloodandCustard’s attention that an enthusiast’s group has been using a copyright image from BloodandCustard’s webpages, albeit with references to BloodandCustard and the photographer concerned (ironically, I was once a member of that group). The copyright of many images on BloodandCustard often rests with the actual photographers (many photographs having been provided on the basis of goodwill). In this respect and to reassure my contributors, BloodandCustard respects the rights of photographers (declared copyright holders) and is unable to unilaterally provide consent for the use of copyright images where the copyright does not rest with BloodandCustard. Sadly it appears this enthusiasts group chose not to ask; potentially breaching copyright.

Notwithstanding this in terms of the actual written information on BloodandCustard hopefully this not-for-profit enthusiast group found it informative in furthering everyone’s knowledge on the Southern – after all, that is why it is provided by this site!

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Commentary on East Grinstead
Model Railway Exhibition

(7th April 2019)

On a Saturday in mid-March two of us attended a club’s model railway exhibition in the Sussex town of East Grinstead; furthermore, a trusted friend and experienced modeller attended on the Sunday with his family. In due course this trusted friend and I shared our experiences thereon in respect of our seeking to support this club’s exhibition.

Arriving shortly before opening time there was no parking set aside to blue-badge holders (etc) or was there anybody present in the car-park to provide assistance – a huge failure by the organisers. We were lucky being able to get in an end-bay (the last of two empty parking spaces) where I could open the car door wide to get out. Whilst we observed two persons standing outside the gate when we left, they didn’t appear to be ‘doing anything much to help’ (in the words of one wheelchair user in the exhibition).

As we queued it started to drizzle be were fortunate in just being able to just squeeze inside the doors; many were left outside waiting in the wet. Finally, at 10:00hrs the cash desk was opened and people were very slowly sold entry tickets. However, it could have been so different with tickets sold (say ten minutes) in advance enabling people to at least wait in the dry (inside) thence the avoidance of protracted queuing delay at 10:00hrs when the ticket vendors simply struggled to cope with the immediate rush. Furthermore, what the ticket vendors couldn’t advise upon was what ‘Concession’ actually meant in terms of the tickets they were selling….

The school venue is restricted as it involves stairs and as a consequence parts of the exhibition were only accessible via stairs. Essentially this meant the needs to those with disabilities were in part ignored (potentially contradicting the Equality Act’s ‘reasonable adjustments’). In this respect it is not sufficient to claim this is the ‘fault’ of a venue which ‘we have always used’. It may be that parts of a venue simply aren’t suitable for public exhibition. Perhaps one of these areas could have be used for say, part of the exhibitor’s seating area!

My trusted friend and I concurred that whilst there was a mix of layouts and traders, these were only just sufficient to maintain some modicum of interest. Some of the layouts appeared to be static exhibits as the operator(s) ignored the paying public to instead chat away to somebody who had possibly regretted asking a simple question. Several layouts had good detail and looked the part although one used inappropriate humour thereon (there is no amusement in potentially fatal accidents); another’s train movements bore little to operational reality.

Within the exhibition a second ‘side hall’ had this time been turned over to exhibitor’s seating instead of (previously) having further exhibits therein - subtle exhibition downsizing perhaps? More importantly whilst this side hall remained completely empty (whilst we were present) the paying public struggled to find sufficient room to sit to eat /drink in a small cramped area; let alone many of the chairs being unsuitable for adults. On the Sunday my trusted friend found this a huge problem with his family (including young children) and consequentially left early in disgust having found nowhere for them to reasonably sit.

This may all sound very negative and it is - unashamedly so.

However, it must be remembered people pay an entry fee for this shambolic quality of ‘service’.

During the exhibition, constructive attempts to tactfully talk to two club members about these issues during our visit fell on deaf ears. Accordingly, these members were politely advised that a commentary would be appearing in my blog lest they had any comments prior to publication. With no response, publication has now taken place.

In conclusion my trusted friend and I agreed the exhibition failed on so many levels with nothing whatsoever being memorable about it.

Even though it is relatively local, none of us will be seeking further attendance in future years.

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Potential Duplication of Models
(29th March 2019)

Like many I can remember when the model range was very limited and new releases were all too often a change of livery. If a modeller wanted something else then kit or scratch-building was the way forward (I still have my Wills ‘V’ class Schools 30906 ‘Sherborne’).

Today, not only do we have an unprecedented range there is now much duplication much between manufacturers therein; in using the term duplication an updated version of a model by a manufacturer is excluded as this is a natural progression of their range through improvement in quality often driven by consumer demand.

Duplication occurs where two manufacturers bring out versions of the same model around the same time (such as the Rails of Sheffield and Hornby class A1x ‘Terriers’) but is it duplication if a manufacturer brings out a version of a competitor’s model last released some twenty-years ago (Such as Hornby’s and Bachmann’ class N15 ‘Lord Nelson’ locomotives. Arguably not as, in the terms of say the ‘Lord Nelson’, the model has been duplicated (past tense) but as one version is long out of production it isn’t duplication (present tense). It must be said the even today the Bachmann model still reasonably holds its own with both having a comparable haulage capacity.

Hornby & Bachmann ‘Lord Nelsons’

Recently we had duplication in terms of the class ‘0415’ Adams radial tank as well as the class ‘HA’ electric locomotive (class 71 under TOPS). In terms of these models they had their own merits including price. Personally, my choice of purchase was relatively straightforward (particularly with the type-HA) but this was contrary to other modellers within East Sussex Finescale which proved interesting.

There is (I’m given to understand as my modelling is Southern Region) duplication occurring in respect of the TOPS class 66 diesel locomotives with one (or is that two?) manufacturers producing detailed models with another re-releasing an existing model in its ‘budget range’. Arguably whilst there is some overlap, the duplication between a highly-detailed model and a less-detailed model is potentially small being driven by the budget available to individual modellers (or collectors).

Now we have the choice of two class A1x ‘Terriers’. In 4mm (00) the only ready-to-run model being the Dapol version; this entered the Hornby range as has been produced for many years, albeit using one bodyshell for all. In this respect Golden Arrow Productions in Hastings produced conversion kits for these models to extend the Dapol /Hornby Terrier bunker to Isle of Wight capacity (many returning to mainland service in this form) and to give extended smokeboxes.

As a model the Dapol /Hornby Terrier was oversized and (now) dated, with complaints of poor running (I never experienced this) so it isn’t surprising that a new version was being announced; the existing (but durable) Hornby model rapidly becoming akin to one of its budget ‘Railroad’ range. Except the announcement of the new model came from Sheffield-based model shop Rails of Sheffield.

One minor manufacturer has registered models claiming intellectual property rights, although I very much doubt this would hold much credibility in any (expensive) court case as the original shape of (say) a locomotive would have been determined by its builder or designer many years ago. Essentially intellectual property is something unique that you have physically created. Company logos are trademarked and the rights of use remain with the trademark holder.

Models supported by model shops isn’t a new process but it does involve risk and available capital. As a consequence, many of these models were commissioned from existing manufacturers and often offered as a limited edition only available from that model shop. With most UK-outline model manufacturing now undertaken in China some model shops were able to go directly to manufacturing plants in China; not through existing UK-outline manufacturers. Potentially creating direct completion in terms of manufacturing, Hattons (a model shop with a huge £13 million? turnover) scored a hit with SE&CR class ‘P’ tank engines; a small class of locomotives limited to the south-east of England that was possibly not high on the radar of the UK-outline manufacturers.

Hattons class ‘P’ tank no.31323

Rails’ class A1x ‘Terriers’ is a venture with or through UK-outline manufacturer Dapol; this not being without irony as Dapol had produced the Terriers that eventually entered into Hornby’s range. Having commissioned its Terrier there was (it appears) consternation when Hornby not only announced its own new ‘Terrier’ model in January 2019 but commenced its release in March 2019. The new Hornby model is a significant improvement on its past version (or should I say the past Dapol-heritage version). However, the Rails version may also shew great promise……

Personally, I’ve ordered both (indeed Hornby’s 32636 has now sold out in my local model shop) so I can compare and decide on which version to go forward with on those versions that are actually duplicated.

Hornby Terriers (old and new models)

In this respect my apologies for having a policy of deliberately not undertaking reviews on models on BloodandCustard.net; besides being time-consuming there are already others undertaking reviews.

No doubt many are asking if duplication is to the benefit of modellers?

Ultimately model-manufacturers are a business that is there to make money and thrive. If a given manufacturer sees an opportunity in the marketplace then they will consider seizing that opportunity; I suspect the only consideration of ‘benefit of modellers’ is within a new model fitting-in within their existing range and so have greater sales potential. With a relatively long-lead time in model development its is therefore doubtful that a manufacturer will commission (from new) a new model in direct competition with another.

Indeed, rumour has it that following Hornby’s announcement of the LSWR Maunsell 58’ rebuilds, Bachmann may have been reconsidering its Birdcage stock which may have been too similar for modellers to purchase both. Fortunately, the Birdcage stock was produced and modellers were able to purchase both. Indeed, rather than being ‘too similar’ they actually complement each other – a significant benefit to modellers!

Going forward Bachmann are producing new versions of its 64’ Bullied stock; Hornby are manufacturing 58’ Bullied multi-door stock. Again, a win-win for modellers.
The only question being who is going to produce the 64’ Bullied multi-door stock?

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Scottish Steam Models
(29th March 2019)

Although a Southern modeller, I do take an interest in other areas and am pleased to see the arrival in my local model shop North British class ‘J36’ 0-6-0 locomotive no.673 'Maude'. If my understanding is correct this might be the first ‘truly’ Scottish steam locomotive; a most welcome development!

Sadly, I cannot find an excuse for a J36 on my layout but a Caledonian single no.123 that undertook railtours on the Southern Region would be superb!

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